The problem is that you are trying to split one file into several files which may have the same name, but I don't see why you want that.
I read the file as a list of lines, and print the lines one by one, while removing duplicates:
import os
with open("dados.txt") as f:
lines = [line for line in f.readlines()]
def deduplicator(lines):
# TODO: Use a hash table to store the duplicates instead of saving the lines
res = set()
for line in lines:
if line in res:
return [line for line in res]
for i in deduplicator(lines):
Questions about restoring Google account password
Recently my phone got locked when I forgot my password. Now when I try to reset the password it keeps saying "login failed". I tried this and it works but I didn't really like the way that I had to take off the SIM card and put it back in. Is there any other way? I tried the official/unofficial app but it didn't work. I have a Huawei Honor 5.
The way to do this is to plug your phone into a computer and download the official android app, the one on the Google play store.
once installed log into the "lock screen" and the password you want to change is the one next to your device icon.
Even if the process of choosing a favorite doesn't make you an expert on China, it is the only real option, you can't really pick from any other point on the map.
Would you rather be against the richest and strongest economic superpower in the world, or would you rather be against a country that is politically a perfect dictatorship and now you don't even know how it works?
If you would rather see your country turn into a politically perfect dictatorship, than being bullied by China you obviously have no idea what China is like.
The Chinese people are really really angry ac619d1d87
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